3 Legend Forgotten Freedom Fighters Of India

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Here I provided the details of 3 3 Legend forgotten Freedom Fighters of India

Freedom Fighters of India: Today’s and upcoming generation would not be able to know the price of independence of India if we are not going to acknowledge them, right?

Behind the Independence of India on 15th August, 1947, there was a big violent and bloody war.

The Freedom fighters of India gave unstoppable fight for 190 years constantly, then we got the freedom which we are enjoying now.

The education syllabus of today is becoming advanced and technology oriented, and the Freedom Fighters of India are being forgotten with the passage of time!

We know how costly our freedom is and how many, no, how much (not countable) people have sacrificed their life and family, isn’t it?

In this article, we are going to remember some of those warriors who sacrificed their all in order to get the freedom for India.

We salute Them!

Who Are The Freedom Fighters Of India

In this article we are going to know about the Freedom Fighters of India, but who can be called Freedom Fighters?

We can list those people who sacrificed their everything for freedom of Indian nation, and their ultimate goal of life was to get freedom from British rule.

Are Freedom Fighters countable of India?

No, there are not 5,10,20 to 50-100 Freedom Fighters, there are N numbers of freedom fighters who sacrificed their whole life for India’s Freedom!

Everyone knows Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru as a freedom fighters, so I will not explore here them, but we will open those people’s biography which is explored very few times!

1. Sardar Vallabbhai Patel

I am putting Sardar sir at first number because he combined the 562 broken Small Native Kingdoms into the one nation which is called India today.

Freedom Fighters of India

About Sadar Patel

  • Born: 31 October 1875, Nadiyad
  • Died: 15 December 1950, Mumbai
  • Full name: Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel
  • Nicknames: Bismarck of India, Strong (Iron) Man, Sardar, Iron Man Of India
  • Awards: Bharat Ratna

Sardar Patel is known as an Iron man due to his the strongest willingness the mental toughness.

He was never let the negativity made control his mind.

Why he is called Sardar Patel, when his name is “Vallabh Patel”?

This title is not given without any cost to him, yes, he earned this title by giving a huge contribution in “Bardoli Satyagrah” against the Britishers.

What was Sardar Patel’s Profession?

Originally, by profession he was a lawyer, but he left it and joined with Mahatma Gandhi against the Britishers to have independence at any cost.

What a Great Sacrifice and Surrender
He was the one and only deserve person to be the Prime Minister of India, and he got 12 Votes out of 13 by the parliament members.
But Mahatma Gandhi wanted to see Jawaharlal Nehru as a Prime Minister, and he approached to Patel Sir to withdraw his Subscription.
Sardar Patel did not reply anything and he did as Mahatma Gandhi Said and we got Jawahar Lal Nehru as the First Prime Minister of India.

2. Bhagat Singh

This is the man who was hung by Britishers at the age of just 23 years and while hanging he was smiling with the voice of: Vande Mataram and Inqualab Zindabad!

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है, देखना है दम कितना बाज़ू-ऐ-क़ातिल में है।

These words are famous today, but they were said by this Legend Person called “Bhagat Singh”

What a Great Attitude!

Freedom Fighters of India

About Bhagat Singh

  • Born: 28 September 1907, Banga, Pakistan
  • Died: 23 March 1931, Lahore Central Jail, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Education: National College, Lahore, National College of Arts, Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Schools System
  • Siblings: Bibi Amar Kaur, Bibi Shakuntla, Kultar Singh, Rajinder Singh, Kulbir Singh, Bibi Parkash Kaur, Jagat Singh, Ranbir Singh
  • Parents: Vidyavati, Sardar Kishan Singh Sandhu

By religion, he was a shikh, but he removed all his hair and beard to escape and not to come in sight of Britishers.

He was totally involved in the mission of Independence India, and he left his home, family and everything in order to get freedom of India!

He was the great follower of Mahatma Gandhi, but he thought process was too different from Mahatma Gandhi!

He did not believe that we can get freedom by Non-violence!

He was believing to give a hard answer to Britishers and forced him to leave India!

3. ChandraShekhar Azad

I will opt for die, but will not be caught live by Britishers!

This is the last sentence spoken by Sir Chandrashekhar Azad before he shoot him self by revolver!

Freedom Fighters of India

About Bhagat Singh

  • Born: 23 July 1906, Bhavra
  • Died: 27 February 1931, Chandrashekhar Azad Park
  • Full name: Chandrashekhar Tiwari
  • Nickname: Azad
  • Education: Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith
  • Parents: Sitaram Tiwari, Jagrani Devi

Why Chandrashekhar Tiwari is Called Chandrashekhar Azad?

In the age of year 11, he was presented in front of British Court and the Judge asked him his name. He told his name is “Azad”, His Father’s name “Swatantrata (Independence)” and his address ” Jail”.
This answers made all present Indians in that court very Happy but the Judge got too much angry and punished him to hit 15 hunts and Azad accepted this punishment with smile. And from that day he is known as Chandrashekhar Azad!

He was believing in Karma rather than show off, due to this there are very few photos are available!

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